Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Friendship(made by me n Chidori ma bffl!)

Once upon a century, there was a girl named Chibella who has a magical power that can heal any kind of sickness.She was such a beautiful girl but she was very evil deep inside.
One day saw a very handsome prince named Sasuril.She was thinking of using Sasuril to make a powerfull posyen.S0o she began to be besties with the prince.The prince ask "what is ur name" and the princess answered "its Chibella my lord".The princess gave him a flirty look and bow to respect him.The prince ask her again "Wheres ur family girl?". "I don't have one.."Chibella said with deep voice.She began to cry loudly.Sasuril was very pity of her.S0o he made a decision to welcome her to stay at the palace.The princess ride Sasuril horse n the prince bring her to the castle.Sasuril and Chibell become bestfriend. Chibell try n stop being evil because sasuril is so kind to her..she begin to rethink about using sasuril as a posyen..She made a decision not to do her plan.She made a very2 wise decision.one day, she heard someone talking about sasuril "when the prince asleep, we have to kill him!then we can take the throne!"she was very shock n worried! "I have to do something!"She doesn`t want the princes to be killed coz she love him as a bestfriend.He`s like a family to him.so the princess bring out her magic mirror and ask the prince wolook at it. When the prince look at the mirror, it sucks the prince into the mirror..so the princess bring out her magic mirror and ask the prince wolook at it.
"What the hell?!"Sasuril ask "Where is this? How can this is for me?!"The prince cried out angryly.He was trapped in the mirror.He can`t find the way out of there."Please have faith in me!"Chibella started to cry. "I want to save u! Someone is trying to kill u!"``Who dares to kill me?!I`m the most powerful in the country!!!!!!!"said the Sasuril angrily and laughlingly.Someone enters Sasuril rooms n saw Chibell in the room. "What are u doing here?!"."Nothing..what are u doing in the prince room?ask chibell.. She was very2 worried that they would know that she hides the prince in the mirror.

At the same time, Sasuril was very worried if his dearest friends was hurt by the bad guys.. "Where is the prince?" "Are u blind or just stupid? He is not here!"The bad guy said``I`m stupid and blind." "I can't believe this"said Chibella.Chibell takes out a knife "I know that u want to kill the prince! I won't allowed that! He is my best best best friends!"``That is such a many best".said the bad guy.``That`s okay with me babe."said the bad guy.``BTW I wonder why u were called as Stupid-ass.Now I know why."said Chibell laughlingly."I'm not here 4 u sweety..I'm here 4 the prince!"said Stupid-ass. ``So damn sorry dude he`s not in here.I think taht u should look at the closet coz I had juz saw he`s shadow in there"said Chibell. So the bad guys look into the closet but he didn't know that Chibell has put a hot posyen in the closet. Chibell push the bad guys into the closet n the bad guys turn into a duck when he touches the posyen..(to be continued)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bout` ma fave actor!(Taylor Lautner)

Birth name
Taylor Daniel Lautner

5' 10½" (1.79 m)

Born on
11`th February 1992 in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To my haters....

0la damn haters!
It`s me..
Ur enemy....
Well it`s kind of weird why I wrote this thing?
Urgh...Never mind...
As if I carE!
I don`t actually know why u guyz hate me?
Maybe coz of my attitude?
Yeah.I know ma attidue is like damn BITCH!
this is somethin` for you....
U don`t like me?
Go away!
Hate me?
Go to hell!
Love me?
well thanx!
hell is for people who don`t like me!
well it`s suites you guyz...
ya know that?!
thanx again for hating me......
I appreaciate it!
S0o long ...

Real friends and fake friends....

Fake friends never ask for food,
Real friends are the reason you don`t have food,
Fake friends never see you cry,
Real friends cry with you,
Fake friends borrow your stuff for a few days and then give it back,
Real friends keep your stuff so long they forget it`s yours,
Fake friends know few things about you,
Real friends could write a book about you with direct quotes from you,
Fake friends are for a while,
Real friends are for life.......


Friends are the flowers in the garden of life,
They help you through times of trouble and strife.

There`s nothing like friends to make a heart sing,
True friends will share with you most everything.

They will not abandon you in times of need,
They aren`t overcome by envy or greed.

Friends are the icing on life`s great big cake,
Real friends will give and allow you to take.

I don`t know how I would survive without friends,
They applaud my beginnings and mourn my sad ends.

Tell me, please tell me,what would I do,
If I didn`t have a garden full of friends just like YOU!

True friend

We have had some good times,
And we had have some tough,
But u have always been there,
Even if times got rough.

Some friends come and go,
And some always remain,
No matter if we change,
Or if we stay the same.

A true friends will always be there,
No matter what the case,
And you have always done that,
No matter waht i`ve face.

Please always know that,
Whatever comes your way,
I will be a true friend for you,
Until my dying day.......

Monday, November 30, 2009

House Of Night Books

Well hello there!This is one of my favourite books series...Yeah...I s0o de=amn love this boks s0o muchie!these books is about a group of fledgings tried t0o save the world from darkness.well they call it `nerd herd`.jeesh!totally u guys really need to buy these books!when once u read these books u`ll addicted to it juz like me!!well let me tell u the tittle of House Of Night books!Marked,Betrayed,Chosen,Untamed,Hunted and Burned.....wel Burned hasn`t came out yet.s0o i`m hoping that it will coem up fast.coz i`m waiting to read the Burned books.well hell!juz make sure u`ll buy this books!till then....burbye!Arigato!